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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good news!

I have been meaning to update. I want to thank you all for keeping my friend in your thoughts. She had an u/s done on Monday and all is well. Baby has a nice heartbeat. I am very relieved!!

Also, in other news, my other BFF is also pregnant. They are each due within a few weeks of each other. I am very happy for them. And rather than be hurt and jealous I have decided that I will always have a belly to rub and kicks to feel. (I know some people are not fans of the belly rubs but I am and these are my 2 best friends) and I will have new babies to cuddle and I will be an awesome auntie to them.

(of course my heart stings a little because I feel left behind but I choose to be happy for them instead of sad for me and maybe when they are big and round, I will be able to tell them one day that we did the FET and I am also pregnant)


  1. I am glad that your friend's baby has a nice strong heart beat.
    I'm like you I love to rub pregnant bellies, luckily I have understanding friends who put up with it.

  2. Happy to hear that everything is OK for your friend. You are a great friend and a bigger person than I think I could be!
