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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Feeling better

As I knew would happen, my intial disappointment has dissipated. It is not completely gone, I still hate my body and cannot understand why there is always something. But I am hopeful and confident in the next mock cycle.

I know that it is better this way and I would rather have to do this mock over one more time and to postpone the FET one more month than to ever have to experience a loss again or even a failed cycle. If this is what needs to be done to make sure that my body is good and ready to carry a healthy pregnancy then bring it on. I will take all of this heartache, all of this pain if it's going to give us a better chance at expanding our family.

So, I am still disappointed and I am still upset but I am being a little more logical and coming to terms with the fact that it's what needs to be done. Dr.L is a smart and compassionate guy and I trust his decisions.

Also, I am going to ask for my progesterone to be drawn on day 7,8 and 9 after my LH surge. Normally they do it on Day 7 but it can be drawn anywhere from Day 7-9. And because my level was so close on Day 7 and then dropped on Day 9, I am going to request a draw each day for comparison.

We will get there.

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