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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A lovely surprise *sarcasm*

Yesterday I got home from work and I was petting Roxy, and my hand touched some kind of lump. It kind of felt like a big human mole. My first thought was that it was something stuck in her fur. Upon closer inspection by D and I, I was wrong.

It was a tick!!!!!!!! and it had been feasting on her for about 24 hours.

So we called the Vet and they said to bring her right away and they would remove it. So we hopped in the car and drove the 1/2 hour to the vet's office where they confirmed that it was a tick and they removed it. we probably could have done it ourselves but I wanted to be sure there was no part of it left in her and I also had questions.

So, we bought her some Revolution for fleas and ticks and got the following information. The ticks in my area don't carry Lyme disease- PHEW!! They are pretty bad this year, they have been getting at least 1 call a day from people finding ticks. They live in grassy, wooded areas. So she picked it up when we took her for a nice walk through the bush on Sunday.

Thankfully I found it and we avoided infection (so far). It was scary and I was worried about her becoming ill from the tick but thankfully all is good. My poor girl.

For those interested: the tick was pretty engorged and D described it perfectly. Like a big rotten (brown in color) popcorn kernel that is attached to the skin. If you attempt to remove it yourself, use tweezers or forceps, get it right at the head (where is it attached to the skin, as deep as possible and even maybe squeeze the skin to make sure you get it all)

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