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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wonderful weekend

Ever since we got back from Mexico, I have been feeling very alone and neglected. I so like my alone time but I also like spending time with D. And just D. D, on the other hand, likes having people around. Don't get me wrong, having people around is also great but I do enjoy the alone time with my husband.

We got back from Mexico and it was like he had no interest in hanging out with me. He was off golfing, gone for fishing weekends, out with friends, breaking plans with me to do something else. Those kinds of things don't normally bother me but this time, it hurt. I was working my ass off at 3 jobs and just felt alone all the time when I was home. It was like he was purposely avoiding me.

Now keep in mind, I am under some stress and uber sensitive emotionally due to the FET. But I was feeling like I had to beg him to spend time with me and I refuse to do that. If he doesn't want to be around me then I don't want to force him. So once night I brought my feelings up and he apologized, saying that he was sorry I felt that way and it was certainly not the case.

So this weekend, I had a wonderful time with my husband. Friday evening we went out for dinner, just the 2 of us (normally he would invite someone else). Then we rented a couple of movies and parked out butts on the couch to watch them. On Saturday morning we slept in, our nephew came over for about an hour and a half to play and then D shipped him back home and we went out and had a bite to eat for lunch, ran some errands and did groceries. We came home and cleaned the house, puttered around and just spent some time together. We showered together, had sex, layed together and just spent time in each other's company.
Then on Saturday night, a few friends came over and we chatted, watched the hockey game, the baseball game and UFC fights. Everyone (except me and my pregnant friend) had a few drinks and then we went out to a bar. (the pregnant friend and her husband went home) D and I left the bar together at about 1:45 am (normally we leave separately). We came home and had a little snack together and then off to bed.

Sunday we woke up and chatted for a while and then he made me waffles, we sat outside and chatted some more and then decided to head out to my parents camp to visit for the afternoon. While we were there we went for a nice walk in the bush with the dogs (Roxy and my parents' dog, Mika) we held hands, chatted, laughed. It was nice.  Later, we walked down to the beach together and threw a frisbee a couple of times. We had dinner with my parents and then headed back home.

I am not a demanding person, I don't need fancy romantic evenings and expensive gifts. I just need to feel like I am wanted and that he wants me around. This weekend was perfect. He took notice of me and we also enjoyed the company of others too.

I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

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