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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Baby on Board signs

These have always boggled me. I have always thought they were tacky. Sorry if you have one. Well actually, if you do have one can you explain to me why you have this?

Is it to make other drivers more cautious around you because you have a baby in the car? In which case should I get one that says "No baby here, feel free to hit me at a high speed!!"
Is it to alert the world that the reason you are all over the road is because your baby dropped his or her pacifier? Seriously, I want to know.

On top of my dislike for them, as an Infertile I now view them as bragging. Why not just plaster your van with signs that say "My ute works and yours is defective!!" Wait, you mean to tell me that the sign is not a personal attack on me?

I swear I know how ridiculous I sound yet the feeling remains.


  1. Yes yes yes. These and those stupid mothereffing stick figure bumper stickers. my desire to ram those people is directly correlate to the number of stick figure "kids" on the back of their braggy-brag windshield.

  2. yeah i dont get them either. they make me think "douchebag"

  3. I thought they were asinine until someone told me it's for safety reasons. As in if you're in an accident, they know to check for a carseat if you're unconsious/thrown from the vehicle. I don't know why paramedics wouldn't, but peace of mind is a really good selling point.
