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Monday, April 26, 2010

Let the anxiety set in

I am feeling anxious. I see my doctor again in 1 week. His plan is to start Clomid. I have been doing research. I am worried about a few things. I am trying to just be patient and wait to see what he has to say but my anxiety acts up when I think about it.

I never imagined I would ever be on this path, I guess nobody does. I always pictures myself with kids, I will be an excellent mother. I figured that since everyone in my family is super fertile then I would be too. It's funny to think about how dumb and naive I was about TTC before we started. I guess there is a reason why I never accidentally got pregnant in high school or college.

Trying to stay positive, patient and hopeful.

D and I deserve to have a child.

1 comment:

  1. oh honey. I'm there with you. I start it on Tuesday. It's been 8 months since I've taken it. The first time around I was okay with it.
    This time I have major anxiety which is why I have put it off for four months. I can't tell you how to get through it. I can only tell you that I pray and breathe and try NOT to think about it and deal with it day by day as it comes. I did start the Metformin on Saturday. So that's a step right? What's a few more pills?

    Hugs sweetie. It's all going to be right in the end right? And if it's not right,its not the end. Ohzy tells me this constantly. I'm starting to believe it.
