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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Playing catch up

I will start with the IVF update and move on to Halloween pictures, sound good? No. Too bad, it's my blog!

So after being told by an apparent douche nozzle at the fertility clinic that we might not be able to start this month (and me trying to figure out several ways to punch through a phone) I was able to calm down and just remember that Dr. L told us that we WERE starting now and that this person was not familiar with my file or my situation. Deep breaths were necessary.

So first thing Monday morning I called Dr. L's assistant, Linda. Have I ever mentioned how much I love this woman? A woman who I have never seen but that I love very very much? She is fantastic. She is always very pleasant and helpful and you never have to remind her just who you are when you call, she just seems to know as soon as you say "It's Dee calling" (of course substitute Dee for my actual first and last name here)

Linda got everything all settled and she even apologized for the dolt on the weekend. I know it is not nice for me to call her a dolt but when the head RE of the clinic is my doctor and he tells me I am starting now and tells me to call in with my Day 1, please don't contradict that, bitch! I will strangle you with my right tube (it has to be useful for something, right?)

So here's the scoop: I started BCP today. I will start the first set of injections on Nov 15 ('your side effects will be similar to those of a woman going through menopause' says the nurse.) and then I have to be in the city where the clinic is for a little over 2 weeks starting November 26th. The Egg retrieval (ER) and Embryo Transfer (ET) will happen on the week of December 6th.

Holyshitfuck, this is really happening!
Another link to my video journal because when the hormones start, they could start to get very interesting ;)  <-----click that

And now on to my Halloween weekend. We had a BLAST getting our costumes together. Everyone had some great ones! It was a lot of fun.

I was Rocky Balboa and D was Ron Burgundy. Lots of fun! I made up my black eye myself. It looked pretty good!

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