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Monday, February 8, 2010

A blog full of pictures

Since D and I both worked over the weekend today and tomorrow is our weekend.
Today we went snowshoeing. It was a pretty nice day so off we went. It was a great workout and completely exhausted me, I haven't done much physical activity in a while so I was pooped. It was a great day though.


In other news, today it has been 2 years since we tragically lost my cousin Patrick(Patt). He was living out of province and working and was in a car accident on his way home from work. He usually slept on the ride home (he carpooled) so he probably didn't even have a clue and was sleeping soundly when it happened, the doctors say he was killed instantly.
His father, my uncle, was in that province looking for work as well when it happened. My aunt was here without her husband to lean on for support. Myself, my 2 sisters and my mom were on a girls trip to Cuba. We didn't find out until 2 days later and we arranged to leave early and made it home to say goodbye to a great person who was taken much much too young.

Patt was an amazing person who had a bit of a troubled adolescence and well on his way to improving his life. He lived every day to the fullest and had a heart and a smile bigger than anyone can ever know. I miss him all the time and send lots of love today to his sister and his 2 nephews and my aunt and uncle (who are more like 2nd parents to me)

I wear this bracelet in his memory. It has his name and the name of his friend who also died in the crash. (the light is shining down and you can kind of see the P)

(the last 2 are from my wedding day. The last time I saw him)

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