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Thursday, February 25, 2010

I knew I was sensitive

I knew I was sensitive to anything pregnancy and baby related and I knew that I was bitter but I have hit a new low.

I let a complete internet stranger who has nothing to do with me and just says things to be hurtful get to me. The short story is that this person got flamed for being really really insensitive and really rude. She then changed her screen name to about 4 different things and she keeps coming back to wreak havoc on the message board.

I told the original girl that what she said was uncalled for and very very insensitive and mean. That was it. I stay out of message board drama, I don't get involved.

This morning I was checking out the posts from last night and I came across this one:

Infertile women are some of the most whiny, entitled, annoying, pathetic people on Earth.Women who are "TTC" act as if the world is coming to an end because they can't contribute their fuucked up genes. These infertility blogs are disgustingly self-centered.infertile couples are some of the most annoying, whiny, controlling people I have ever heard of. I ran into a post on some mommy board about a woman who was TTC and had had a miscarriage, all of a sudden no one could talk about babies around her. All of a sudden she was offended at absolutely fuucking everything.These are the worst kind of wannabreeders. I FUUCKING HATE THEM. They suck the medical care system bone dry with their bullshit.

I hate that I have become bitter and overly sensitive. I hate that I am jealous and self centered when it comes to pregnancy. It is not me and I don't like what trouble TTC and a miscarriage has done to me and then I read this and realize that others think this too. Why do I care what some angry person has to say about a "kind" of woman that she doesn't even know. It is people like this who have always gotten everything they want and have no idea what it's like to face a bump in the road. 

I hate that I let her get to me, I hate that I am THAT girl that she is talking about and most of all I hate that she has hurt more than just me and that she has hurt people who are wonderful and caring people who have been dragged through hell and back and are still able to stand up tall and be strong.

1 comment:

  1. As a bitter, often self-involved, M/C survivor and 'infertile', I can say without a shadow of a doubt WE ARE NOT THAT person she is talking about. We do not ROB the medical system of anything for the rest of anybody. We are not irresponsible wannabe's with bad genes. We are the products of circumstance who have more love and capacity to give to the world because we mother EVERYONE and EVERYTHING because of where we are in life. We are sensitive to other's because we have been down this long road and hit every bump there is, and we share our strength and lessons with the world.
    If someone takes offense to that, then they need to look in the mirror every now and again and see the blackness around their soul that makes them lash out at a group of people they can't begin to understand.
    As hard as it is, don't let it add to the crazy thoughts already swimming in your head. I'm there, I know what you are thinking but pity THEM because they have yet to see true pain and therefore have yet to experience true depth of love.
