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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Being happy and sad all at the same time

Whenever I hear about a new pregnancy, a little spark of jealousy forms in the pit of my stomach. There are certain exceptions to this rule. Like just yesterday, a woman who I have been hoping and wishing would get her BFP finally got it!! There was not one spark of jealousy in my happiness for her, she has had a long and touch battle to get here and I couldn't be happier for her.

Then there are cases of amazing people getting pregnant and I know I am happy for them, and I know they will be great parents but I get that hint of selfish jealousy. That is the worst part of having trouble TTC, that selfishness that forms in you when you are normally not a selfish person.

Then there are the cases where a crack head gets pregnant and doesn't know who the baby daddy is and still continues to smoke, do drugs, drink and still gives birth to a healthy child. There is no happiness there, all anger and pity for that poor child.

Last night I experienced a first in the happy for you but sad for me department. D's best friend called, they chatted for a while and then he informed him that his wife is pregnant. My first reaction was excitement and I yelled "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" They are wonderful people, they will be amazing parents and I am so truly happy for them. But as D continued to talk with him, a lump in my throat grew bigger and bigger until tears started welling up in my eyes.

D got off the phone and asked me if I was OK. I said yes and went to un-pause the movie we were watching. Then I said "I am really, truly happy for them" and the tears started pouring out of my eyes. It was essentially the same scene from Julie & Julia when Julia finds out her sister is pregnant.

D just held me and said "It's okay to be happy for them but sad for us."

That is not me. I am not that person. I felt ashamed and disgusted with myself at that moment, which made me cry even more. It is a whole new feeling for me to deal with and I know I am not the only one who feels this way or who does this and I know it is OK to feel this way. I really am happy for them and I look forward to buying little gifts for the baby.

So now I have a new feeling to deal with. I am glad that they called to tell us over the phone and not wait until we got there in 3 weeks to tell us in person...THAT would have been shameful and embarrassing for me to cry right in front of them.


  1. It's ok to feel sad for yourself while feeing happy for others! Those two emotions can live together inside of you. It doesn't mean you are a bad person, you are just human. ((hugs)) Hang in there!!!

  2. I understand. I did the same thing when my friend told me she was expecting. I'm so excited for them, but as the e-mail conversation went on I started crying. I'm so sad for us and jealous. ((hugs))
