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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More random musings

Considering that 'Random Musings' is right there in the title of my blog, I never do these posts enough. I will admit that my blog has become endless posts of me whining or talking about stupid and unimportant things. This post will be no different. (well, I don't plan on whining)

I am not sure how these things pop in my head, my mind is a very trick and bizarre place and (not so) luckily for you, I randomly give a glimpse into this strange world once in a while. My train of thought is quite fascinating when you break it down. ::snort::

As I was falling asleep the other night I was thinking about a friend of mine who just had a hystserectomy (before you gasp, she is a friend in her 40s and already has 2 teenage children) she had a few complications post-op and had to go back in for more surgery because in the 9 weeks after her surgery she developed a huge cyst on her left ovary and I mean HUGE.

So I was thinking of her and my mind wandered to my own laparoscopy and how much air was floating around in my body hurting me. Then I thought how great that would have been to just have been able to fart that air out. Then I thought, farts are funny! I wonder if you ever lose that 12-year-old in you and stop thinking that farts are funny?

Then it hit me. When a person is sedated and undergoing surgery, they probably fart! Do the doctors and nurses laugh at this every time? Then of course I started imagning all of the different scenarios. Loud farts, silent stinkers, loud and stinky, high pitched sounding ones, wet sounding ones, and long drawn out ones.

I have a doctor friend, I am going to ask her this. I know she still thinks farts are funny!

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