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Sunday, September 5, 2010

A second opinion? No.

In short that title describes this blog post. Over the past couple of days I have heard from a few people who have suggested that I get a second opinion. I decided to address this here. If you have been thinking it or if you said it then here is your (long) answer.
 I am C&Ping a lot of this from a couple of private online conversations that I had because I am kind of sick of typing and retyping it.

So here goes:

I already feel confused about my T-TTC status because I was able to get pregnant once. Yes, I realize that was a miracle (as all pregnancies are in my mind) but we do have trouble and we do have issues. If we didn't, the RE would not have agreed to see us, right? If we didn't then I would have a baby or at least a pregnancy by now, right?

Dr. L is a very smart doctor and I found that he was very honest with us. Yes, we could try IUI or something else but he doesn't feel that will optimize our chances and he told us that he doesn't want to give us false hope with other procedures that will probably give us the same chance as if we just keep trying naturally. If we chose to use a different method, he said he would support that because we have to do what we are physically, emotionally and financially prepared for.

Also, I think that people sometimes forget that I live in Canada and health care is different here. Where I live, everyone has to travel great distances to see specialists. Some as close as 2.5 hours away and some as far as 6-10 hours away. Healthcare is also public so you can't just drop some money and demand to be seen by a specialist. You need a referral from another doctor and that referral is the doctor's choice, he or she can say no. And then you play the waiting game for weeks and sometimes even months to get seen by said specialist. For those who forgot or didn't realize, I saw Dr. L via teleconference. He is a 6-7 hour drive from me.

Do I want a second opinion? No, I do not.  Dr. L has amazing reviews and from what I read is a pretty intelligent and sought after RE. And if I think about it, Dr. L is my second opinion. My OBGYN wanted to put me on Clomid. I am so very thankful that I decided not to take this route.

So, I do realize why people suggested that I get a second opinion. When I am crying and venting over my emotions about IVF, they see that as me saying I am not ready for such a step. While they are partially right, it is not accurate. I am overwhlemed. I trust 100% in Dr. L and what he recommends. If we wanted to try something else, he would support that. But he is giving us about a 12% chance with an IUI. I can have that much of a chance at home for free.

Dr. L was honest and open with us about his thoughts and diagnosis and I appreciate that. I don't feel the need to see another doctor.

So yes, I am overwhelmed. I am stressed. I am upset. I am scared. But do I think Dr. L is leading me down the wrong path? No. Do I want to seek help from a different specialist? No.

I hope this clears up any misconceptions that anyone had about me being upset and venting either here or on BOTB. I hope it doesn't look like I am being bitchy or snarky, I am just explaining my thought pocess (as foggy as it is) and my situation.

1 comment:

  1. I think sometimes, people don't know any other way to help you cope other than to offer solutions. It's not the most helpful, but I think that those that care want to make sure you're exploring all your options.

    I'm so glad you're so confident in your doctor, that's amazing and so valuable to have. I'm excited for you to have a plan, Dee :)
