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Monday, January 10, 2011

1 Year

January 10, 2010. 1 year ago today. I got my very first BFP ever. I was aware of my pregnancy for 13 days before I started to bleed. I cherished every second of that pregnancy and I knew today was going to be hard. I would be mourning the loss of my first pregnancy while still dealing with the emotions from my second.

I imagined the day would be hard, I knew I would be unhappy. So what happens today to put the icing on the cake? I get word that my otherwise healthy Memere was brought to hospital by ambulance last night, had a heart attack, a bowel obstruction and was admitted to the ICU.

So I spent my breaks and my lunch in the ICU with my dad and uncle and my memere. Still no final word on what is going on. She cannot stop vomiting and so far her heart looks ok. Waiting for more tests.

So to sum up. Today fucking sucks.