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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The telephone appointment

I had my phone consultation with Dr L yesterday. It was my post-IVF appointment. When we finally got on the phone together (there was a huge mess of him calling the wrong numbers, being late, thinking I was a no show in the office) the first thing he said was "do you have any questions?" I wanted to say WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? but bursting into tears didn't seem like my smartest option so I said Not really cause I wanted him to direct the appointment.

So he told me that he usually goes over the chart and then will tell me what would be done differently next time. He is pretty sure I overstimulated. Even though I didn't get OHSS (because I really listened and obeyed the prevention advice), I had way too many eggs mature. He said that what happens is that the bad quality eggs get too excited and join the party when they really shouldn't. So he started telling me how my next cycle would be changed. I said "I am going to stop you right there. I have zero intention of doing a full IVF cycle again, it was too hard on me emotionally, financially and physically"

Then he tells me that I have 4 embryos frozen (I guess the 3rd and 4th really kicked it up a notch on that last day cause they thought I would only get to freeze 2) 2 are better quality than the other 2 but I do have 4 decent ones. 

So our next step with them is to do a FET (Frozen embryo transfer) on a natural cycle, meaning I will not have to take any meds (which is great for me) because I have a regular 28-30 day cycle. He actually said that for some people a FET is better than a fresh IVF cycle because the meds sometimes overstimulate your uterus and make it TOO thick (I had no idea that was a possibility but he is the expert)

So because we will never have a real answer, I am going with the info that I was overstimulated and it made a whole bad combination. It doesn't make it hurt any less but I am more educated about things now. 

While I am not even close to ready to do the FET yet, we are thinking maybe Spring or Summer for that.

In the meantime, he is rechecking my thyroid to make sure all is well still and I am also getting a Saline Injection Scan (Sonohysterography) which I don't know what it is yet but I will get info.
And when I am ready, I will just call the clinic with my Day 1 for my mock cycle and I will be monitored through that and then the next cycle will be our FET. We have some big decisions to make before then (how many to thaw for transfer) but I am not ready to even think about that yet.


  1. You have plenty of time to decide that. The good news is, you have another chance (or two) off this one IVF. Take your time, don't push yourself.
