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Thursday, January 20, 2011

It keeps getting better!

So I got the appointment fiasco handled. No thanks to Dr L's turdbag assistant. I had to call her back since she was ignoring my call and she said she would look into it and call me back.

She called me back finally and informed me that my appointment was a telephone appointment. Dr. L will be phoning me at 2:40 tomorrow afternoon for my appointment. And her tone? Her tone was very condescending like as though I should already know that. I wanted to scream through the phone "REMEMBER LAST WEEK WHEN YOU LEFT ME A MESSAGE SAYING THAT MY APPOINTMENT WAS DEFINITELY THROUGH THE TELEMEDICINE PROGRAM??????"

So I had to make arrangements for him to call me at work and then make arrangements to find a private area in the department for the appointment. And then I got mad. How freaking personal is that appointment? You can't even face me through a television screen to tell me that I am broken and pretend to be sorry about what happened to me? No, you got my big fat payment so who the hell cares about what happens to me next?

I am so frustrated and I am nervous and feeling a lot of anxiety about this appointment. Or sorry, about this phone call that I have to take in the middle of my work day.


1 comment:

  1. Chin up. Deep Breaths. You have made it through so much. This is only an appt. A conversation. The words will be the same via phone or face to face. You will take deep breaths and you will get through it and you will do what comes next because you are strong and amazing.

    BREATHE. Just breathe.
