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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Going on a cancellation list apparently pays off.

I just got a call from my doctor's office. There was a cancellation and I am able to be bumped up on the surgery list instead of waiting 6 months to be booked.

How soon you ask?

Wednesday! Yes, in 1 week from today I will be operated on. What should have happened in November is now scheduled for next week.

He will be doing a Laparoscopy and dye test to see just what is blocking my right tube.

I am shocked that I got in so quickly. I am a bit nervous.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. That is so exciting!! And since you don't want to break your phone/internet virginity, can you please TEXT me before you go in and after you are done and let me know how you are?! I will be thinking of you the whole time!

