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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Google is not my friend

At least not when I am looking up anything and everything that has to do with a Laparascope.

The office of Dr. R called the other day to move my surgery earlier (it was originally in the afternoon) This is good because I am not allowed to eat anything. Lucky me! So while I had her on the phone I asked if I would be OK to go back to work on Friday. She said as long as he just did the scope and the dye test that everything should be fine, I would have some tenderness in the belly button area but I should be OK.

So of course my mind starts racing and wondering what else would Dr. R be doing?!?!
So I guess if the tube is too blocked and messed up that he may just remove it. How do I feel about this? Well it makes me a bit sad. I know the tube is blocked and it is useless and it is really not doing anything in there but actually removing it is a bit nerve racking and I am not sure why.

Then I google everything that can go wrong with the procedure and of course no good can come of that.

4 more sleeps...

1 comment:

  1. It will be okay. I've had Lap before to remove my ruptured gall bladder. The incisions for the camera etc are not bad at all. They only need one staple. The area (probably your belly button where they insert tubes and die etc will probably have 5. It will be tender but in the way a scraped knee or a cut on the finger is the skin is tight and pulling. I've had cramps that are worse than that! Think positive thoughts: the dye will unblock the tube, I will be tender but if I'm too sore, I'll take another day off and enjoy laying around on the sofa....:)
