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Monday, May 31, 2010

Good to be home

I love traveling and visiting other places, I love going to the city for the weekend but I am also glad to leave it and to come home.

My trip started last wednesday when we left to go visit at my sister's place for my niece's high school graduation. I wasn't going to miss this for anything in the world, she is more like a sister to me and I am so proud of her. The graduation was nice. It was so disgustingly hot in there and I didn't like the format of the graduation because it was too long but with 180 graduation students I guess there's not much you can do to shorten it up. I was really proud when I heard C's name get called for an award. She received an award for 'hard work and being involved in school activities' I was not surprised that she won this award...though I would not have been surprised if she had won every award ;)

After the graduation, D went back home to work for the weekend and I continued on to Toronto with friends for the 30th birthday party weekend for my friend. It was a blast!! On friday night we went to a comedy club and then out for some more drinks at a pub-like bar. Then we spent most of the day saturday shopping, even though I didn't really buy much. Then Saturday night was dinner at a delicious restaurant and out to go dancing. But when we got to the club the doorman informed us that the guys could not get in because they were wearing sandals. I figured there was a dress code but we kind of hoped it wouldn't be that big of an issue. Oh well...we found another place just next door, there was a live band and we ended up having a blast anyway. YAY!

Yesterday was a long day. I was tired from the hecticness of the previous few days and the trip home was long and exhausting, thankfully I wasn't driving. We stopped at a mall on the way home and I went to Lululemon and I got 2 pairs of pants (1 pair are capris) and 2 headbands for $85!! You can't get 1 pair of pants for that price over there! I was so excited, I love sales :):):)

So now I am back home, I started taking my temp again this morning (on CD 11, we'll see how this goes) I enjoyed my little break from taking the temps but I decided to start back again instead of skipping a whole cycle.

Good to be home...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Pic! I'm glad you had fun and for my sanity are charting again..LOL
