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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Moving on: summer vacation

I am sick of talking about Clomid for the moment. I have been better equipped with some more information so I have some serious research to do for the next couple of weeks and then I will go from there and D and I will make the decision that suits us the best.

Today I shall talk about trips. I have always wanted to go to Niagara Falls, I have been with D for almost 8 years now and I have been hinting at this the entire time. Finally last year I said "take me to Niagara Falls!" Fast forward to a few months later, I get an email at work from D. "I am booking my holidays and I have booked the following days off: . Pick where you want to go!"

Horray!!!!! The Niagara Falls trip is being planned.

Then the bathroom renos begin and they cost more than we expected and I see my trip slipping away. But we make it work and decide that we can still do it. YAY

Then I get an email from one of my BFFs (let's call her B), it is a mass email going out to friends that other BFF's (we'll call her E) husband has planned a trip to Toronto for E's 30th birthday party. All of a sudden my Niagara Falls trip seems to be vanishing before my very eyes. The birthday trip would be fun but it would be very expensive for the following reasons:

1-   it is on a weekend where I am scheduled to work and since I am part time and don't get vacation time, I am losing those hours.

2-   I am an insane people pleaser and not going to the party was not an option, I knew it would hurt E's feelings if I wasn't there and since the party is a surprise I couldn't really call her up and explain my situation to her. Plus if I had said 'I just can't afford it' then I envision people saying "What? She can't afford a weekend away for her BFF's birthday but CAN afford a trip to Niagara Falls??" Yes, that is not something a friend should day but I worry about what people think too much.

3-   The nights in a hotel, the food, the gas, the shopping, the night out and all other expenses will nto be small

So I spent days and days and days stressing about this. So D sat down and took a look at our finances (mainly his since he is the main bread winner in the family) and decided that yes, we can work it out.

He got his leftover vacation days paid out from last year and put those away and then he said we could just keep putting little bits of money away here and there and with the trip still a month and a half away we are already at $700 saved!!!

I am so happy that all of this is going to work out, I have been pinching pennies for a while now, my wardrobe is so out dated and simple right now because I haven't been shopping in a long time but it will all be worth it!

Yay for vacations!!!

1 comment:

  1. We are in the same boat. We have not taken a vacation together since we met due to animal care (its really hard finding people who will responsibly take care of horses). This year, despite the money issues taht have crept up (medical bills, taxes, new lawnmower etc) I told him we are TAKING A VACATION. I've been saving like crazy. I keep seeing it get depleted with each new thing that pops up but I'm determined.
