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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The hunter has returned

D got home yesterday from his week long hunting trip. Thankfully, he got home while I was at work so he was showered and shaved when I first saw him. When a man comes out of the bush after 7 days it is not pretty. Not even a little.

I was glad to see him. I really did miss him but I found that with the new job and being busy, this year's hunting trip seemed to go quicker for me. A lot of the time I am very lonely and missing him.

The hunter sleeps now. My body decided that at 7:30am it was time to get up. STUPID BODY!!!

Today's plan: we are going halloween costume shopping. A friend of mine is hosting a party on October 30th and I am very excited about it for several reasons. Dressing up is fun. I love Halloween, yep... I am a girl who hates Christmas, Thanksgiving is not a big deal (this year I ate alone), I don't believe in Valentine's Day but Halloween? I love Halloween! I love to give out candy to kids. D and I have pumpkin carving contests and I get Roxy in her costume and we greet all the little ghouls and goblins at the door. I love it. And of course we all remember my proposal:

Another reason I am excited about the halloween party is because it is close to my birthday and I always tell people that it is also my birthday party, I am self centered and an attention whore like that. I think it stems from the fact that I never once had a birthday party as a kid. (that is a whole other session... I mean post)

And then finally. This year, I am excited because it will be my last big hoorah with my friends. Stage 1 of IVF will start as soon as my period arrives and that means I am cutting out the booze. While this is not that huge of a deal, my friends are party animals and I love to get together and have drinks and be wild. But I am more than willing to give up the drinking for what is *oh so hopefully* to come.

Stay tuned for the final decision on our costumes. Currently we are thinking:


That could very well change by the end of today's shopping trip though.

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