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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

That connection

I have friends.

I have a group of friends and I am close with some of them but I have never had that connection with someone. That best friend connection. Of course I had best friends in school but I have never met that person who I wanted to share everything with. That person who I knew would never judge me.

I want that. I want to meet that one girl friend that I can't go long without talking to. I see people who have that kind of friendship and I am envious. I know there must be someone out there that I would connect with.  Someone who is willing to invest as much into their friendship with me as I invest into my friendships with others. My 2 "best" friends talk to each other several times a day and I am lucky if I talk to them once a week. It's just different.

I just watched Sex and the City and yes, I know that is fiction but most people that I know have at least 1 friend who they have that special connection with and I just sometimes feel sad that I don't have that.

I am feeling weepy tonight. Blah.

1 comment:

  1. If we lived closer/or even in the same country, I would totally be that friend to you..but I just can't reduce myself to bffing with a canadian. :P Just kidding. I do understand.
    I can't imagine not having my BFF. We are like sisters and even though we disagree on some major things (you know us americans and are political party divides) we are still there and have an amazing bond that I can't imagine being without.
    I hope you find that special someone soon.
