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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Messing up lyrics

We've all been there. Singing lyrics to a song when they don't quite make sense but we are certain that is what they are saying in the song.

I am guilty of it. When I was a kid I sang "Bad Moon Rising"

Actual lyrics: There's a bad moon on the rise

What I sang: There's a bathroom on the right

D is bad with lyrics. Bad. He very very rarely gets them right and I love to listen and laugh while he sings along. Here are some examples (and really I think I could make this a regular segment in my blog)

California Girls

Actual lyrics: California girls, we're undeniable

What D sings: God damn boys and girls, la la la la la la la

Boys of Summer

Actual lyrics: I can see you, your brown skin shining in the sun

What D sings: I can feel you, your friends keep shining in the sun


  1. Those are great! I did an entire post on this as well. I think we've all been guilty of it. :D

  2. Ahaha, that's hilarious. I sang about the bathroom on the right for a long time too. I'm convinced somewhere there is a live performance of him actually using those lyrics. :)
