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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Up early

Well damn. I woke up today at 7:45. My last day to sleep in until next Saturday and my body wakes up for the day at 7:45. Normally I would have been able to get right back to sleep but I was having a dream about taking a pregnancy test at work and it came out positive and I was shocked and confused and they determined that it wasn't actually positive but it said so because I had a concussion. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

So once I woke up I started thinking about seeing the 2 lines (though in the dream it was 4 lines all criss-crossed. The plaid HPT) and then I started thinking about IVF and how it is coming so quickly and how many emotions I am dealing with and BAM! I am awake with no chance of going back to sleep.

So let's recap what my life has been like. I am adjusting to working full time and my internet time is suffering. I miss BOTB and facebook and blogger. Though I do get on at least once every 2 days and I am at the very least able to lurk and read back a couple of days.

My new routine consists of me getting up at 5:30-5:40a.m on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to go to the gym before work.

This week I also played volleyball on Tuesday and Thursday night.

This weekend we spent most of our time at SIL's new house (yes, the one down the street) helping them move in. So today I have to get a mountain of laundry done, do my meal plan for the week and get my groceries.

So this is what it's like to have a real life?

Oh, and I almost forgot! My Halloween costume arrived this week! It's AWESOME!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, being uber busy, not sleeping, trying to keep up with it all and feeling hopelessly let down in the process....welcome to real life. LOL
